Friday, January 23, 2009

Let's Make a Loom

I made a loom last weekend and it was so easy I thought I'd share it for any of you who are cooped up in the house and need an activity.
All you need to get started is a small board, some nails, a hammer and a little helper to hand you the nails.

Hammer an equal number of nails in rows on each side of the board. Keep them pretty close together.
It should look something like this......

Then take some yarn and start at one end and string it on around two nails, across to other side, around two nails, across to other side.....

Fasten the loose ends to the back with tape or tie them off onto the end nails. Next you need to find something to do the actual weaving with. You could use a knitting needle, Popsicle stick or anything else that might work. We found an arrowhead that was just perfect for the job. Attach some yarn to your weaving tool of choice and start going. It's over, under, over, under and on and on until you get to the end then turn around and keep going....over...under....

You're Weaving!!!! Hours of fun.


Tegan Henry said...

wow! thanks for the tutorial! look awesome!

hy said...

so cool! i may make one!
i have a few questions though... how do the woven ends finish up? do you have to bind them with fabric? and what did you make with your woven piece?
i'd love to see!

Mrs. Jones said...

among those instructions should be a reminder to not leave your digital camera on the table while you're hammering, for it may fall and start making funny noises when you turn it off and on.

Lori said...

we made a huge loom like this for our classroom - i'm thinking of your hs co-op! - using a really big picture frame we got free at a garage sale. the kids would sit and add to this giant shared loom whenever they felt like it, weaving in all kinds of materials. :^)