Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am WOMAN hear me ROAR!

We had a little adventure the other day. Instead of sitting in our cozy houses sewing we got to get out and do some real grunt work, like hiking into the forest to cut down a tree. Why? you ask; Well to make a long story short we need a creative way to display our clothes at Bazaar Bizarre and we decided to just bring a tree to hang our clothes on.

Disclaimer: We did not cut down a WHOLE tree, only one branch. We love trees and are not in the practice of wasting them uselessly.

We found the perfect branch. The only problem was that we could barely reach it and OF COURSE we did not think to bring a ladder with us. No problem, we could reach well enough from one side (the side that the branch would fall on). Again, no problem, we'll just catch it when it falls. See how I am poised in the photo above. "Don't worry Jaime, I got it, I'll catch it, I won't let it fall on your head. All under control."

There's me feeling like a bad ass. And looking the part with my bandana and muscle tee. Somehow the tree did not fall on our heads. We sawed the branch almost all the way and then used our brute strength to pull it down the rest of the way.

Dragging it (uphill) out of the forest. It was a lot heavier than it looks. I would have helped her but I had photography obligations to tend to.

Then we had to taper the bottom enough to fit in this urn thing we are using as the base. We used a Drawknife and it was hard work yet satisfying. I don't have any photos because we were so engrossed in what we were doing. There was quite a bit of sweating and grunting.

All that hard work really worked up an appetite and we were both STARVING. So we decided to reward ourselves for all of our hard work and the fact that we did not have to rely on our husbands to do it for us. I grabbed the girls and Jaime strapped the tree on her car and we all went out for pizza.

And Beer! Aaaaahhhh! Nothing like a bucket of Coronitas at the end of a good days work

It's days like this that make me love my "job". And my partner. GO TEAM!!

Stay tuned for pictures of the final product.


Mrs. Jones said...

I prefer the mental picture of the sweating and grunting.

hy said...

you GO ladies!
what are you making with that?
is it for display? i'm all about natural elements!

thanks for your note!
i think we are in synch on different coasts (not the band... just the idea...)


hy said...

ooh i see it is for display! yey!

Tegan Henry said...

escape baby in the background!